We follow a true bottom-up approach for each of our industry reports under Adhesives and Sealants, where the market sizing and company market shares are calculated at a segmental and country-level.
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Company Segmental Revenues
Adhesive/Sealant Production Availability
Technology Regulations and Advancements
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Other End-Consumer Trends
Market Volume and Growth Rates for all end-use segments
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Price Trends of Adhesives/Sealants products
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Adhesives & Sealants Industry Databases
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The adhesives and sealants industry is projected to witness significant growth over the next five years owing to the dual engines of growth: robust demand from the packaging industry and increasing usage in the construction industry.
We observe that the growth in the e-commerce sector in most countries is driving the packaging industry's adhesive consumption. Additionally, the construction industry's increasing awareness of adhesives and sealants is responsible for their rapid growth.
The Silicone Sealants Market is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Healthcare) and by Region (Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa, North America, South America). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of automobile production, plastic and paper and paperboard packaging production, new construction floor area, aircraft production and deliveries.
The Report Covers Silicone Adhesives & Sealants Market Revenue and Analysis and is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Healthcare, Packaging, Woodworking and Joinery), by Technology (Hot Melt, Reactive, Sealants, Solvent-borne, UV Cured Adhesives, Water-borne) and by Region (Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa, North America, South America).
The Europe Acrylic Adhesives Market is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Footwear and Leather, Healthcare, Packaging), by Technology (Reactive, Solvent-borne, UV Cured Adhesives, Water-borne) and by Country (France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of automobile production, plastic and paper and paperboard packaging production, new construction floor area, aircraft production and deliveries.
The Automotive Adhesives & Sealants Market is segmented by Resin (Acrylic, Cyanoacrylate, Epoxy, Polyurethane, Silicone, VAE/EVA), by Technology (Hot Melt, Reactive, Sealants, Solvent-borne, UV Cured Adhesives, Water-borne) and by Region (Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa, North America, South America). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of passenger vehicle production, commercial vehicle production, and motorcycle production.
The Asia-Pacific Acrylic Adhesives Market is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Footwear and Leather, Healthcare, Packaging), by Technology (Reactive, Solvent-borne, UV Cured Adhesives, Water-borne) and by Country (Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of automobile production, plastic and paper and paperboard packaging production, new construction floor area, aircraft production and deliveries.
The Asia-Pacific Cyanoacrylate Adhesives Market is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Footwear and Leather, Healthcare, Woodworking and Joinery), by Technology (Reactive, UV Cured Adhesives) and by Country (Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of automobile production, plastic and paper and paperboard packaging production, new construction floor area, aircraft production and deliveries.
The Asia-Pacific Epoxy Adhesive Market is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Footwear and Leather, Healthcare, Packaging, Woodworking and Joinery), by Technology (Reactive, Solvent-borne, UV Cured Adhesives, Water-borne) and by Country (Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of automobile production, plastic and paper and paperboard packaging production, new construction floor area, aircraft production and deliveries.
The Acrylic Adhesives Market is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Footwear and Leather, Healthcare, Packaging), by Technology (Reactive, Solvent-borne, UV Cured Adhesives, Water-borne) and by Region (Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa, North America, South America). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of automobile production, plastic and paper and paperboard packaging production, new construction floor area, aircraft production and deliveries.
The Europe Cyanoacrylate Adhesives Market is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Footwear and Leather, Healthcare, Woodworking and Joinery), by Technology (Reactive, UV Cured Adhesives) and by Country (France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of automobile production, plastic and paper and paperboard packaging production, new construction floor area, aircraft production and deliveries.
The Report Covers Epoxy Adhesive Market Companies and is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Footwear and Leather, Healthcare, Packaging, Woodworking and Joinery), by Technology (Reactive, Solvent-borne, UV Cured Adhesives, Water-borne) and by Region (Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa, North America, South America).
The Acrylic Adhesives Market is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Footwear and Leather, Healthcare, Packaging), by Technology (Reactive, Solvent-borne, UV Cured Adhesives, Water-borne) and by Region (Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa, North America, South America). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of automobile production, plastic and paper and paperboard packaging production, new construction floor area, aircraft production and deliveries.
The Asia-Pacific Acrylic Adhesives Market is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Footwear and Leather, Healthcare, Packaging), by Technology (Reactive, Solvent-borne, UV Cured Adhesives, Water-borne) and by Country (Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of automobile production, plastic and paper and paperboard packaging production, new construction floor area, aircraft production and deliveries.
The Asia-Pacific Automotive Adhesives & Sealants Market is segmented by Resin (Acrylic, Cyanoacrylate, Epoxy, Polyurethane, Silicone, VAE/EVA), by Technology (Hot Melt, Reactive, Sealants, Solvent-borne, UV Cured Adhesives, Water-borne) and by Country (Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of passenger vehicle production, commercial vehicle production, and motorcycle production.
The Asia-Pacific Construction Adhesives & Sealants Market is segmented by Resin (Acrylic, Cyanoacrylate, Epoxy, Polyurethane, Silicone, VAE/EVA), by Technology (Hot Melt, Reactive, Sealants, Solvent-borne, Water-borne) and by Country (Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of new residential construction floor area, new commercial construction floor area, and new industrial/institutional construction floor area.
The Asia-Pacific Cyanoacrylate Adhesives Market is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Footwear and Leather, Healthcare, Woodworking and Joinery), by Technology (Reactive, UV Cured Adhesives) and by Country (Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of automobile production, plastic and paper and paperboard packaging production, new construction floor area, aircraft production and deliveries.
The Asia-Pacific Epoxy Adhesive Market is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Footwear and Leather, Healthcare, Packaging, Woodworking and Joinery), by Technology (Reactive, Solvent-borne, UV Cured Adhesives, Water-borne) and by Country (Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of automobile production, plastic and paper and paperboard packaging production, new construction floor area, aircraft production and deliveries.
The Asia-Pacific EVA Adhesives Market is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Footwear and Leather, Healthcare, Packaging, Woodworking and Joinery), by Technology (Hot Melt, Solvent-borne, Water-borne) and by Country (Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of automobile production, plastic and paper and paperboard packaging production, new construction floor area, aircraft production and deliveries.
The Asia-Pacific Polyurethane Adhesives Market is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Footwear and Leather, Healthcare, Packaging, Woodworking and Joinery), by Technology (Hot Melt, Reactive, Solvent-borne, UV Cured Adhesives, Water-borne) and by Country (Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of automobile production, plastic and paper and paperboard packaging production, new construction floor area, aircraft production and deliveries.
The Australia Adhesives Market is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Footwear and Leather, Healthcare, Packaging, Woodworking and Joinery), by Technology (Hot Melt, Reactive, Solvent-borne, UV Cured Adhesives, Water-borne) and by Resin (Acrylic, Cyanoacrylate, Epoxy, Polyurethane, Silicone, VAE/EVA). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of automobile production, plastic and paper and paperboard packaging production, new construction floor area, aircraft production and deliveries.
The Australia Sealants Market is segmented by End User Industry (Aerospace, Automotive, Building and Construction, Healthcare) and by Resin (Acrylic, Epoxy, Polyurethane, Silicone). Market Value in USD and Volume in tons are both presented. Key Data Points observed include the volume of automobile production, plastic and paper and paperboard packaging production, new construction floor area, aircraft production and deliveries.
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